I'm playing around with SubSonic 3.0 at the moment, and it looks really straight-forward (except that I still have to decide between SimpleRepository and ActiveRecord, but that's another story).
However, as the documentation is a bit sparse, I am not sure if it supports foreign-relationships and lazy-loading. Essentially, I have a class posting:
public class Posting {
public Guid InternalId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Body { get; set; }
public DateTime? PostingDate { get; set; }
public List<Comment> Comments { get; set; }
and a class Comment:
public class Comment
public string Body { get; set; }
As you see, Posting has a List of Comments. Can I somehow tell SubSonic that these two are related? That is that I can automatically save all Comments when I save the Post? And more importantly, when I load a Posting, I'd like the List of Comments to be empty at first, and at some point say "Okay, please populate it now".
I know I can manually manage this in Code, but I just like to know if SubSonic can do that before I do the manual work.
Sparse? Have you read them yet?
ActiveRecord can determine your relationships based on FKs (so can the Linq Templates) and will use IQueryable. So you get the best of both worlds - they're there if you need them.
If you use Simple Repo - no - this doesn't happen and it's all manual.
There's a simple option for managing foreign keys, even if you're using the Simple Repo. Check out this post for the details.