Updating progress dialog in Activity from AsyncTask

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-17 02:31:41


In my app I am doing some intense work in AsyncTask as suggested by Android tutorials and showing a ProgressDialog in my main my activity:

dialog = ProgressDialog.show(MyActivity.this, "title", "text");
new MyTask().execute(request);

where then later in MyTask I post results back to activity:

class MyTask extends AsyncTask<Request, Void, Result> {

    @Override protected Result doInBackground(Request... params) {
        // do some intense work here and return result

    @Override protected void onPostExecute(Result res) {

and on result posting, in main activity I hide the dialog:

protected void postResult( Result res ) {
    // do something more here with result...

So everything is working fine here, but I would like to somehow to update the progress dialog to able to show the user some real progress instead just of dummy "Please wait..." message. Can I somehow access the progress dialog from MyTask.doInBackground, where all work is done?

As I understand it is running as separate Thread, so I cannot "talk" to main activity from there and that is why I use onPostExecute to push the result back to it. But the problem is that onPostExecute is called only when all work is already done and I would like to update progress the dialog in the middle of doing something.

Any tips how to do this?


AsyncTask has method onProgressUpdate(Integer...) that you can call each iteration for example or each time a progress is done during doInBackground() by calling publishProgress().

Refer to the docs for more details


you can update from AsyncTask's method onProgressUpdate(YOUR_PROGRESS) that can be invoked from doInBackground method by calling publishProgress(YOUR_PROGRESS) the data type of YOUR_PROGRESS can be defined from AsyncTask<Int, YOUR_PROGRESS_DATA_TYPE, Long>

