Aframe angular 7 unable to load gltf model

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-16 18:06:10


I am trying to display a gltf-model in Aframe using Angular 7.

 `<a-scene embedded="" cursor="rayOrigin: mouse">
    <a-asset-item id="bedroom" src="../../assets/models/homedesign/scene.gltf"></a-asset-item>

   <a-entity id="camera" camera="" position="0 0 0" look-controls wasd-controls>

  <a-entity id="room" gltf-model="#bedroom" position="-14 -30 -125" rotation= "0 160 0" material-map="map: map">


But the model is not displayed and I see the following message in the console log -

core:propertyTypes:warn "#bedroom" asset not found.

The path mentioned is correct as I am able to open the gltf file from the html in the code editor.

Also, all other primitives such as "a-box" etc.. get displayed.

Here is a screenshot of my app folder structure -

the html is in homedecor.component.html and the gltf file is inside homedesign folder. I start the server using ng serve

Could someone please take a look and help?



Probably Angular is messing things up and you need to delay adding the bedroom entity so assets can attach first. I don't recommend using Angular / Typescript stack for this reason as it introduces lots of complicated problems that we can't really help with.


If you want a real solution for your problem :

on component.ts :

isLoaded = false;

    this.isLoaded = true;

on component.html:

<a-scene embedded>
  <a-assets (loaded)="loaded($event)">
    <a-asset-item  id="model" [attr.src]="fileSrc.gltf"></a-asset-item>
  <a-entity *ngIf="isLoaded" gltf-model="#model"></a-entity>

