I have tried almost everything, but I cannot get AutoMapper to map A => B when B doesn't have a parameterless constructor.
I'm using Unity and all the dependencies are registered conveniently but, how do I say to AutoMapper "hey, if the target instance needs some dependency in the constructor, ask Unity to build it, and do the mapping later.
I've tried with
Mapper.Initialize(configuration =>
configuration.CreateMap<Person, PersonViewModel>();
But it doesn't work :(
EDIT: In fact, I lied a bit. I'm not using Unity. I'm using Grace, but didn't want to come up with a relatively unknown container asking about advances topics :)
I've solved the problem and it works as smooth as silk. The exact code is like this. Keep in mind that I'm using the Grace IoC Container (which I eagerly recommend).
Bootstrapper.Instance.Configure(new CompositionRoot());
Mapper.Configuration.ConstructServicesUsing(type => Bootstrapper.Instance.Container.Locate(type));
Mapper.CreateMap<Person, PersonViewModel>()
Like this:
configuration.CreateMap<Person, PersonViewModel>()
Do this for each mapping that should be created by your service locator.