While iterating over the tokens using a Listener, I would like to know how to use the ParserRuleContext to peek at the next token or the next few tokens in the token stream?
In the code below I am trying to peek at all the tokens after the current token till the EOF:
public void enterSemicolon(JavaParser.SemicolonContext ctx) {
Token tok, semiColon = ctx.getStart();
int currentIndex = semiColon.getStartIndex();
int reqInd = currentIndex+1;
TokenSource tokSrc= semiColon.getTokenSource();
CharStream srcStream = semiColon.getInputStream();
tok = tokSrc.nextToken() ;
But the output I get is:
We see that although I am able to traverse through all the tokens till EOF, I unable to get the actual content or type of the tokens. I would like to know if there is a neat way of doing this using listener traversing.
Hard to be certain, but
tok = tokSrc.nextToken() ;
appears to be rerunning the lexer, starting at a presumed proper token boundary, but without having reset the lexer. The lexer throwing errors might explain the observed behavior.
Still, a better approach would be to simply recover the existing Token stream:
public class Walker implements YourJavaListener {
CommonTokenStream tokens;
public Walker(JavaParser parser) {
tokens = (CommonTokenStream) parser.getTokenStream()
then access the stream to get the desired tokens:
public void enterSemicolon(JavaParser.SemicolonContext ctx) {
TerminalNode semi = ctx.semicolon(); // adjust as needed for your impl.
Token tok = semi.getSymbol();
int idx = tok.getTokenIndex();
while(tok.getType() != IntStream.EOF) {
tok = tokens.get(idx++);
An entirely different approach that might serve your ultimate purpose is to get a limited set of tokens directly from the parent context:
ParserRuleContext pctx = ctx.getParent();
List<TerminalNode> nodes = pctx.getTokens(pctx.getStart(), pctx.getStop());