Using the new SwipeRefreshLayout from Support Revision 21 (or latest today, from sdk manager) I get it to work but I need to move down the view using
import android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout;
mSwipeLayout = (SwipeRefreshLayout) findViewById(R.id.swipe);
mSwipeLayout.setProgressViewOffset(false, 100, 150)
The method setProgressViewOffset(boolean, int, int) is undefined for the type SwipeRefreshLayout.
How to fix this?
Clean your project and rebuild. You may be compiling the old SwipeRefreshLayout
into your APK.
If you are using gradle, make sure you are referencing version 21.0.0 of the support-v4 library.
Or if you are using the JAR, make sure you don't have the old JAR version being included.
Talklittle was right.
This answer fixed my problem.
I had facebook SDK which had an older support library than the project I was working on.
t seems like the different projects are using 2 separate support libraries and there for the checksum is different.
You must repeat this for both the Facebook SDK project and the app you are building.
what I do when I get this error is:
1. Right click the project.
2. Android Tools -> Add support library
3. Accept the downloading of the library.
this insures 2 things:
A. You get the newest version of the support library from the Google sources.
B. You have the EXACT same library in all your projects.