I'm trying to use websocketpp
to write a cross-platform program that communicates using websockets. I would like to use the asio
-based transport layer.
My understanding was that if I am using C++11, I can configure asio
to stand-alone from boost and use std::thread
, and that websocketpp
is similarly header-only under such circumstances.
However, when I actually try to compile any of the websocketpp
tutorials this way, such as the tutorials/utility_client
, it works fine on g++ and clang, but I get strange compilation errors on mingw:
In file included from websocketpp-0.6.0/include/websocketpp/config/asio_no_tls_client.hpp:32:0,
from main.cpp:7:
websocketpp-0.6.0/include/websocketpp/transport/asio/endpoint.hpp: In member function ‘void websocketpp::transport::asio::endpoint<config>::handle_accept(websocketpp::transport::accept_handler, const error_code&)’:
websocketpp-0.6.0/include/websocketpp/transport/asio/endpoint.hpp:764:28: error: ‘operation_canceled’ is not a member of ‘std::errc’
if (asio_ec == lib::asio::errc::operation_canceled) {
I'm scratching my head as to what this means and how to fix this. This doesn't appear to be related to the lack of boost -- std::errc::operation_canceled
appears to be a well-defined C++11 symbol according to this, not always accurate, website. Does this mean my toolchain is broken / defective? I tried installing a different version of the mingw toolchain and it had the same problem.
I couldn't find any references to anyone having similar problems with this symbol not being found, so maybe I'm configuring the library wrong? Here is my compilation line:
"$CXX" -std=c++11 -Iasio-1.10.6/include -Iwebsocketpp-0.6.0/include -D_WEBSOCKETPP_CPP11_THREAD_=1 -DASIO_STANDALONE=1 main.cpp -lpthread
I made a repository to assist in reproducing my exact setup, but there's not much going on here -- I downloaded both libs from most recent releases from their respective repos. Since compilation dies in one of the includes the body of main.cpp
seems not terribly relevant, but I am just using their tutorial code.
If anyone could throw me a line on this I would greatly appreciate it. :)
Edit: I am not really sure but I have reported this as a bug at mingw-w64: http://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/support-requests/105/
I have reported this as a bug at mingw-w64
The mingw-w64 compiler is C++11 non-compliant in not defining this error-code, but the folks already know that and it's deliberate. (Although offhand I don't know why they couldn't fix it.)
The relevant header file is:
and here is the definition of enum class std::errc
// Most of the commented-out error codes are socket-related and could be
// replaced by Winsock WSA-prefixed equivalents.
enum class errc
// address_family_not_supported = EAFNOSUPPORT,
// address_in_use = EADDRINUSE,
// address_not_available = EADDRNOTAVAIL,
// already_connected = EISCONN,
argument_list_too_long = E2BIG,
argument_out_of_domain = EDOM,
bad_address = EFAULT,
bad_file_descriptor = EBADF,
// bad_message = EBADMSG,
broken_pipe = EPIPE,
// connection_aborted = ECONNABORTED,
// connection_already_in_progress = EALREADY,
// connection_refused = ECONNREFUSED,
// connection_reset = ECONNRESET,
// cross_device_link = EXDEV,
// destination_address_required = EDESTADDRREQ,
device_or_resource_busy = EBUSY,
directory_not_empty = ENOTEMPTY,
executable_format_error = ENOEXEC,
file_exists = EEXIST,
file_too_large = EFBIG,
filename_too_long = ENAMETOOLONG,
function_not_supported = ENOSYS,
// host_unreachable = EHOSTUNREACH,
// identifier_removed = EIDRM,
illegal_byte_sequence = EILSEQ,
inappropriate_io_control_operation = ENOTTY,
interrupted = EINTR,
invalid_argument = EINVAL,
invalid_seek = ESPIPE,
io_error = EIO,
is_a_directory = EISDIR,
// message_size = EMSGSIZE,
// network_down = ENETDOWN,
// network_reset = ENETRESET,
// network_unreachable = ENETUNREACH,
// no_buffer_space = ENOBUFS,
no_child_process = ECHILD,
// no_link = ENOLINK,
no_lock_available = ENOLCK,
// no_message_available = ENODATA,
// no_message = ENOMSG,
// no_protocol_option = ENOPROTOOPT,
no_space_on_device = ENOSPC,
// no_stream_resources = ENOSR,
no_such_device_or_address = ENXIO,
no_such_device = ENODEV,
no_such_file_or_directory = ENOENT,
no_such_process = ESRCH,
not_a_directory = ENOTDIR,
// not_a_socket = ENOTSOCK,
// not_a_stream = ENOSTR,
// not_connected = ENOTCONN,
not_enough_memory = ENOMEM,
not_supported = ENOTSUP,
// operation_canceled = ECANCELED,
// operation_in_progress = EINPROGRESS,
operation_not_permitted = EPERM,
// operation_not_supported = EOPNOTSUPP,
operation_would_block = EWOULDBLOCK,
// owner_dead = EOWNERDEAD,
permission_denied = EACCES,
// protocol_error = EPROTO,
// protocol_not_supported = EPROTONOSUPPORT,
read_only_file_system = EROFS,
resource_deadlock_would_occur = EDEADLK,
resource_unavailable_try_again = EAGAIN,
result_out_of_range = ERANGE,
// state_not_recoverable = ENOTRECOVERABLE,
// stream_timeout = ETIME,
// text_file_busy = ETXTBSY,
timed_out = ETIMEDOUT,
too_many_files_open_in_system = ENFILE,
too_many_files_open = EMFILE,
too_many_links = EMLINK
// too_many_symbolic_link_levels = ELOOP,
value_too_large = EOVERFLOW
// wrong_protocol_type = EPROTOTYPE
You see that operation_canceled
is one of those commented out.
As suggested there, you will need to use the winsock error code WSAECANCELLED
defined in winerror.h
. If you want portability, of course you'll need to
make this use rather than std::errc::operation_canceled
conditional upon compiletime determination of the host OS.