I have a module (app.config) that I would like to inject my entire app.
The module needs to be accessible within all other modules injected into the app
For example, my app looks like this:
angular.module('myApp', [
Here's app.config
angular.module('app.config', []).
constant('NAME1', 'Name1').
constant('NAME2', 'Name2');
I want 'app.config' injected in such a way that it can be accessed inside all modules (module#1','module#2',....) as well.
Here's my problem:
angular.module('module#1', []).
service('serviceOne', serviceOne);
function ServiceOne($http) {
var service = {
getMyProfile: function(){return $http.get('api/' + NAME1);}
return service;
Problem -> NAME1 is undefined. But I thought I injected it to the entire app???
I don't want to individually inject app.config to each module. Any other solutions?
you need to inject the constants in to the controller as well.
function ServiceOne($http, NAME1) {
var service = {...
here is a good explanation
You could setup a config object
module.exports = {
NAME1: 'Name1',
NAME2: 'Name2'
and then
var config = require('../config');
angular.module('module#1', []).
service('serviceOne', serviceOne);
function ServiceOne($http) {
var service = {
getMyProfile: function(){return $http.get('api/' + config.NAME1);}
return service;
is the key by which Angular knows to inject the constant, but you never injected it! Also, you need to add a dependency on the module in which you set the constants (in this case, 'app.config'
) in 'Module1'
. Also, when I'm creating services, I just add the methods to this
which is a reference to the service itself, so I don't need to bother with creating an object for the service and returning it as you were doing in your example. Finally, it's best practice to use the inline array annotation for dependency injection as shown in my example below. Try this out:
var mod1 = angular.module('Module1', ['app.config']);
mod1.service('ServiceOne', ['$http', 'NAME1', serviceOne]);
function ServiceOne($http, NAME1) {
this.getMyProfile = function() {
return $http.get('api/' + NAME1);