I have seen a variety of different methods for generating unique slugs: Ex. 1, Ex.2, Ex. 3, Ex. 4, etc. etc.
I want to create unique slugs upon saving a ModelForm. If my models are like:
class Phone(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
slug = models.SlugField(max_length=70, unique=True)
year = models.IntegerField()
model = models.ForeignKey('Model')
series = models.ForeignKey('Series')
Say that the Phone
object has the following values (via submitted ModelForm):
Phone.user = dude
Phone.year = 2008
Phone.model = iphone
Phone.series = 4S
I want the url for this object to appear like:
I understand that I should use slugify
via either signals or over-riding the save method to make this happen. But if user dude
creates a second 2008 iphone 4S object, what the best way to create a unique slug for this object? I want the additional objects's url to look like:
#...etc ...
After googling, it seems like there are a variety of different methods for creating slugs in django, which has been confusing when trying to figure out best practices.
Thanks a lot for any advice and clarification on this issue!
I ended up using This Django Snippet to over-ride the save method of Phone in my models.py:
def save(self, **kwargs):
slug_str = "%s %s %s %s" % (self.user, self.year, self.model, self.series)
unique_slugify(self, slug_str)
super(Phone, self).save()
But thanks to jpic for the contribution.
First things first, naming a field "Model" is a bad idea it can only create confusion. Finding an alternative would be a good idea.
The easiest solution is to set the slug in a pre_save signal:
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
def phone_slug(sender, instance, **kwargs):
slug = u'%s-%s-%s-%s' % (slugify(instance.user.username), instance.year,
slugify(instance.model), slugify(instance.series))
instance.slug = slug
if instance.pk:
other_phones = Phone.objects.exclude(pk=instance.pk)
other_phones = Phone.objects.all()
i = 2
exists = other_phones.filter(slug=instance.slug).count() > 0
while exists:
instance.slug = u'%s-%s' % (slug, i)
pre_save.connect(phone_slug, sender=Phone)
Or maybe use django-autoslug, it would look something like this:
slug = AutoSlugField(unique_with=['user__username', 'year', 'model__name', 'series__name'])