I'm facing some issues to use Hiera 3 with Puppet 4.2. When applying my puppet manifest using this command:
puppet apply environments/production/manifests/init.pp --hiera_config=hiera.yaml
I get the following error:
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Could not find data item myclass::ensure in any Hiera data file and no default supplied at /home/vagrant/temp/environments/production/manifests/init.pp:13:39 on node a
Here is the directory structure :
$ tree
├── environments
│ └── production
│ ├── config.yaml
│ └── manifests
│ └── init.pp
└── hiera.yaml
content of config.yaml:
$ cat hiera.yaml
- yaml
- config
:datadir: environments/production
content of init.pp:
class myclass(
$version = $myclass::params::version,
$ensure = $myclass::params::ensure,
) inherits myclass::params {
notify {"$version": }
notify {"$ensure": }
class myclass::params {
$version = hiera('myclass::version', '1.0.0')
$ensure = hiera('myclass::ensure', 'running')
class {'myclass': }
content of hiera data source:
$ cat config.yaml
myclass::version: '1.0.0'
Looks like Hiera can't handle empty values from a yaml data source and/or replace them by default value?