I have generated a pixel-based image by encoding each input character to a certain color in the image. For example, in input txt <- "ABACDAAFFEDDADFAFAED"
i plotted 'A' as a red pixel, 'B' as purple, 'C' by blue and 'D' by some other color. I used R for it. Here is the answer from where I have taken help for this
Generate pixel based image in R from character array
Now, I want to update this for handling a case as well where I have a character presents 2 or three times consecutively and I want to give it a different color. For example txt <- "ABBACDAABBBEDDADCACABBDB"
, i want to give
A- red, AA maroon, AAA dark red.
B-green, BB- Pink, BBB-yellow,
C-light brown, CC brown, CCC dark brown etc.
I still want to give 1 pixel to each char but for consecutive 2 or 3 appearances color those 2 or 3 pixels with a different color. I am unable to code a reasonable solution for it in R. Your help will be appreciated. Thanks
I changed the function to support multiple character :
# function which plots the image
createImage <- function(txt,charToColorMap,destinationFile,format=c('png','tiff'),debugPlot=FALSE,unused.char='#'){
if(nchar(unused.char) != 1){
stop('unused.char must be a single character, and you should be sure that it will never be present in your text')
# helper function which finds all the divisors of a number
divisors <- function(x){
y <- seq_len(x)
y[ x%%y == 0 ]
# split the string in charaters
chars <- strsplit(txt,'')[[1]]
# find the most "squared" rectangle that contains all the characters without padding
d <- divisors(length(chars))
y <- d[length(d) %/% 2]
x <- length(chars) / y
# create an array with 4 matrices (or planes) one for each RGBA channel
RGBAmx <- col2rgb(charToColorMap,alpha=TRUE) / 255
colorIndexes <- match(chars,names(charToColorMap))
# check if color map contains multiple character names
multiple <- names(charToColorMap)[nchar(names(charToColorMap)) > 1]
multiple <- multiple[order(nchar(multiple),decreasing=TRUE)]
txtForMultiple <- txt
for(m in multiple){
idxs <- gregexpr(pattern=m,text=txtForMultiple,fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
charRanges <- unlist(lapply(idxs,seq,length.out=nchar(m)))
colorIndexes[charRanges] <- which(names(charToColorMap)==m)[1]
tmp <- strsplit(txtForMultiple,'')[[1]]
tmp[charRanges] <- unused.char
txtForMultiple <- paste(tmp,collapse='')
colorIndexesR <- matrix(RGBAmx['red',colorIndexes],nrow=y,ncol=x,byrow = TRUE)
colorIndexesG <- matrix(RGBAmx['green',colorIndexes],nrow=y,ncol=x,byrow = TRUE)
colorIndexesB <- matrix(RGBAmx['blue',colorIndexes],nrow=y,ncol=x,byrow = TRUE)
colorIndexesA <- matrix(RGBAmx['alpha',colorIndexes],nrow=y,ncol=x,byrow = TRUE)
planes <- abind(colorIndexesR,colorIndexesG,colorIndexesB,colorIndexesA,along=3)
# write the PNG image
if(format[1] == 'png'){
}else if(format[1] == 'tiff'){
stop('usupported format')
# for debug purpose only we plot the image...
mx <- matrix(colorIndexes,nrow=y,ncol=x,byrow = TRUE)
Usage example ('AAA' set to white) :
charToColorMap <- c(A='red',B='blue',C='green',D='black',E='yellow',F='orange',AAA='white')
# please note that unused.char will be used to mark the characters of txt already analyzed
# during the multi-char handling, so it must not be present in txt
createImage(txt,charToColorMap,destinationFile = "test.png",debugPlot=TRUE,unused.char='#')
Result (zoom 800 %):