Multiple telnet clients/commands under AnyEvent

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-13 19:37:40


If I'm reading multiple $_->{thand}->cmd($cmd) commands through same telnet connection, I've got disconnects.

This manifests as multiple calls to ae_connect(). How to properly send and fetch data under AnyEvent?

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

use AnyEvent::Socket;
use AnyEvent;
use Net::Telnet;

$| = 1;

my $arr = [
  { username => "user+ct", passwd => "1234", Host => "", Port => 1094 },
  { username => "user+ct", passwd => "1234", Host => "", Port => 1095 },
  { username => "user+ct", passwd => "1234", Host => "", Port => 1096 },

sub main_loop {

   my $cmd = "/ip firewall filter export";

   my $i=0;
   for (@$arr) {

     if (!$_->{thand}) {
       print("skip ", Dumper $_);

     # print Dumper $_;
     my $s;
     $s = join "", $_->{thand}->cmd($cmd);
#     print "\n==1>$i  \n$s";
     $s = join "", $_->{thand}->cmd($cmd);
     $s = join "", $_->{thand}->cmd($cmd);

   print "\n\n";
   #die @$arr*1 if $i;

sub ae_connect {
  my ($tc) = @_;

  print "=========== $tc->{Host} ============\n";
  tcp_connect $tc->{Host}, $tc->{Port} //23, sub {
    my ($fh) = @_ or return; # die "failed: $!";

    my $t = new Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $fh) or return;

    eval { $t->login($tc->{username}, $tc->{passwd}) } or return;

    $tc->{thand} = $t;
    # $tc->{fh} = $fh;


my $w = AnyEvent->timer(after => 0, interval => 1, cb => \&main_loop);

my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;


I don't think AnyEvent and Net::Telnet will work together. AnyEvent is event based where you have multiple event sources and will act on new data depending on the event source, while Net::Telnet just has a single file handle and blocks waiting for exactly the data it needs at the moment.

If you need multiple Net::Telnet connections in parallel you need to use multiple processes or multiple threads or you might try to use Coroutines (e.g. Coro module).

