I have an actor that responds to a message by sending a message to it's parent, like this...
public void Handle(string message)
I now want to test that the message is sent to the Actors Parent, but can't figure out how. My current test looks like the following...
pubilc void AllResponsesWillGoToParent()
ActorOf<MyActor>().Tell("Respond to parent");
ExpectMsg<string>(x => x == "Hello");
This of course doesn't work because the actors parent is the test ActorSystem and not the actor assigned to the TestActor property.
Does anyone know how I can test that the message is indeed sent to it's Parent, thanks.
One option to solve this is to create fake parent, that is creating a real child actor that you are testing. This parent will forwarding message from child to a test probe or to TestActor itself.
more patterns here http://hs.ljungblad.nu/post/69922869833/testing-parent-child-relationships-in-akka let me know if you will need a c# snippet
You can solve this by creating the actor you want as a TestActorRef
, and then setting the TestActor
as its supervisor. This lets you use all the built-in semantics of the TestActor
such as ExpectMsg<>
(For further reference, suggest you check out this guide to unit testing Akka.NET actors that I wrote.)
You could do that like so (using NUnit):
using System;
using Akka.Actor;
using Akka.TestKit.NUnit;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace ParentTestExample
public class ParentGreeter : ReceiveActor
public ParentGreeter()
Receive<string>(s => string.Equals(s, "greet parent"), s =>
Context.Parent.Tell("Hello parent!");
public class ParentGreeterSpecs : TestKit
public void Parent_greeter_should_greet_parent()
Props greeterProps = Props.Create(() => new ParentGreeter());
// make greeter actor as child of TestActor
var greeter = ActorOfAsTestActorRef<ParentGreeter>(greeterProps, TestActor);
greeter.Tell("greet parent");
// TestActor captured any message that came back
ExpectMsg("Hello parent!");