Highlighting the details of middle UserControl Item of a wp7 ListBox as shown in Image

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-13 08:47:29


I am having a Horizontal listbox having usercontrol(150 width and 150 height as dimensions) as items.

I am displaying 3 items in listbox at a time. My question is how can I detect the middle item while scrolling so that as i scroll left or right i can display the name and other details of middle listbox item in texblock placed above it.

Please refer the image uploaded.

Thanks in Advance.


Try this http://silverlightcarousel.codeplex.com/



It seems you're looking for a CoverFlow control. I know ComponentOne have one and there are probably others.

If this is for a commercial app it'll definitely be easier to buy one than build your own.

If you're all set on building your own then you'll probably want to build from scratch as the ListBox doesn't allow for the customization you'll require.

