Shoutem - Modifying extensions

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-13 08:39:10


He, I tried to modify the shoutem.places extension. My custom screen looks like this:

import { screens } from 'shoutem.places';

export default class FixedMediumPlaceDetails extends 
screens.MediumPlaceDetails {    
  render() {    
    const { place } = this.props;
    const { location = {} } = place;
    return (
        <NavigationBar />

I am just overriding the render() method, and inside this method I would like to call the renderLeadImage() method from the superclass.

With this implementation I get: this.renderLeadImage() is not a function. So how do I correctly inherit the class and call a superclass' method? Anyhow, is inheritance the preferred way here? Facebook recommends composition over inheritance.


screens.MediumPlaceDetails isn't a React Component class, but rather a redux and shoutem.theme decorated class, this is why when you're extending you don't have access to any of renderLeadImage()'s methods.

So you'll have to change your import:

import { MediumPlaceDetails } from 'shoutem.places/screens/MediumPlaceDetails';

EDIT: Fixed copy-paste error.

