Custom HTTP handler configuration fail

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-13 06:27:14


I am developing an ASP .Net website. I have created a custom HTTP handler to respond to requests aiming resources with .videoImage extension.
Here are the first lines of the file corresponding to my handler :

<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="CompleteSubtitles.VideoImage" %>

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;
using SubtitleSounds.DataManagement;

namespace CompleteSubtitles
    public class VideoImage : IHttpHandler

The handler file is located in a subfolder of the website root folder.
I have configured my handler in my website root web.config file as follows :


          <add verb="*" path="*.videoImage" type="CompleteSubtitles.VideoImage" />

I have got an ASP .Net error message when loading a page informing me that the loading of CompleteSubtitles.VideoImage type failed.
Does anyone know why ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Whitout the exact error message I can't be sure, but when from my experience with handlers and Web Forms, this works:

  • Your Handler can't be a simple VB/CS file, even if you place it on APP_CODE folder (never worked with me). You need place in a DLL, I always use a separate Class Library for that.

  • If the host uses IIS 7, system.web/httpHandlers don't work, you need to add system.webServer. I keep both just in case. Here is a sample (bNet.Ferramentas is my DLL file):


        <add verb="*" path="sitemap.ashx" type="bNet.Ferramentas.SiteMapHandler, bNet.Ferramentas" />
</system.web >

    <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
        <add verb="*" name="bnetSitemap" path="sitemap.ashx" type="bNet.Ferramentas.SiteMapHandler, bNet.Ferramentas"/>


you have to specify the full name of the class (HttpHanlder) as follows:

    <add verb="*" path="*.sample" name="HelloWorldHandler" type="HelloWorldHandler"/>

For more click here

Hope it will help.


Here is how I have solved my problem :
I have created a class representing my handler in my App_Code folder.
My handler file's extension is ".cs" and not ".ashx".
The declaration of my handler in my web.config is :

  <add verb="*" path="*.videoImage" type="CompleteSubtitles.VideoImageHandler" />

