How to access Meteor user collection on server and debug correctly

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-13 06:04:53


When validating objects for database insert, I would like to access the Meteor.users collection to let the user know if he added an event manager to the event who is stored in the database. I extended the discover meteor book example for my needs. I know of the Meteor Accounts API, but I'm stuck at the moment how to proceed.

Here is the Meteor method

  eventInsert: function(eventAttributes) {
    check(Meteor.userId(), String);
    check(eventAttributes, {
      title: String,
      shareInPercent: Number,
      eventDate: Date

    var errors = validateEvent(eventAttributes);

    if (errors.title || errors.shareInPercent || errors.eventDate)
      throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-event', "Check your inputs again.");

    var user = Meteor.user();

    var event = _.extend(eventAttributes, {
      userId: user._id,
      author: user.username,
      submitted: new Date()

    var eventId = Events.insert(event);

    return {
      _id: eventId

validateEvent = function (event) {
  var errors = {};
  if (!event.title)
    errors.title = "Please fill in an event title";
  if (!event.eventDate)
    errors.eventDate =  "Please enter a date";

  var eventManagersNotExisting = areEventManagersExistingUsers(event.eventManagers);

  return errors;

areEventManagersExistingUsers = function (eventManagers) {
  var eventManagersNotExisting = [];
  _.each(eventManagers, function(eventManager){
    var eventManagerFound = Meteor.users.findOne({username: eventManager});
  return eventManagersNotExisting;

When an insert is triggered, the Meteor method is called, the validateEvent method is called in-between, which calls itself a helper method to check the users collection as seen here

var eventManagerFound = Meteor.users.findOne({username: eventManager});

If I'm right and because it should make sense, I can't put console.log() messages in the Meteor method, because the method is executed server side and the message won't appear in the browser console.

My first question therefore is, is there a way to look at log messages done on server side, similar to Node, where these messages just appear in the shell?

I read about the meteor debug and meteor shell command, but I'm not seeing any log messages appearing there, which I put into code.

Log messages in validateEvent and areEventManagersExistingUsers appear in the browser though.

Now my second question, when logging messages in validateEvent and areEventManagersExistingUsers, why do they show up in the browser console?

And the result of

var eventManagerFound = Meteor.users.findOne({username: eventManager});

is always undefined, only when eventManager is my own user, it's finding that entry.

But is it working for the Meteor.method call, and I'm seeing only a side effect of the proper execution or do I make something wrong here conceptionally?


As said in the commentary below, to fix the console.log() when executing the Meteor method, I first had to activate preserve log in the Chrome console, because the form submit is refreshing the site so fast, I just didn't see that the site was reloaded and the log erased.

But a requirement to see the log in the browser console, is the need to have a successful submit (i.e., I had to fill all fields correctly), for that I fixed the check

check(eventAttributes, {
  title: String,
  shareInPercent: Number,
  eventManagers: [String],
  eventDate: Date

But a log of Meteor.users.find(); only returns my user and not all users in the database. Any idea how to get all of them without publishing the users collection?

