Call function from one controller to another controller using Factory in Angularjs

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-13 05:55:06


I wanna call function from one contoller to another using used of factory mathod in angularjs below are the code which i used

var Inciapp = angular.module('IncidentApp', []);

Inciapp.controller('GetAlphabetical', function ($scope, CustomerFactory) {
    $scope.Customer = null;
    CustomerFactory.getCustomers().then(function (successResponse) {
        $scope.Customer =; // please check the request response if list id in data object 
    }, function (errorResponse) {
        throw error;

Inciapp.factory('CustomerFactory',function ($http) {
    var _factory = {};
    _factory.getCustomers = function () {
        return $http.get('@Url.Content("~/Home/GetIncidentlist")');
    return _factory;


 <div data-ng-app="IncidentApp">
    <div data-ng-controller="GetAlphabetical">

                <tr ng-repeat="h in Customer">
                    <td>{{ h.Name }}</td>


<div data-ng-controller="GetAlphabeticalSecond">

                <tr ng-repeat="h in Customer">
                    <td>{{ h.Name }}</td>


C# :

 List<incident> lst = new List<incident>();
        lst.Add(new incident { ID = "123", contact = "98765", IDcontact = "456", IDnumber = "7866", Name = "Nayeem", NameID = "3333", number = "987654321", Phone = "1234567890" });
        lst.Add(new incident { ID = "123", contact = "98765", IDcontact = "456", IDnumber = "7866", Name = "Nayeem", NameID = "3333", number = "987654321", Phone = "1234567890" });
        lst.Add(new incident { ID = "123", contact = "98765", IDcontact = "456", IDnumber = "7866", Name = "Nayeem", NameID = "3333", number = "987654321", Phone = "1234567890" });
        lst.Add(new incident { ID = "123", contact = "98765", IDcontact = "456", IDnumber = "7866", Name = "Nayeem", NameID = "3333", number = "987654321", Phone = "1234567890" });
        lst.Add(new incident { ID = "123", contact = "98765", IDcontact = "456", IDnumber = "7866", Name = "Nayeem", NameID = "3333", number = "987654321", Phone = "1234567890" });
        lst.Add(new incident { ID = "123", contact = "98765", IDcontact = "456", IDnumber = "7866", Name = "Nayeem", NameID = "3333", number = "987654321", Phone = "1234567890" });
        lst.Add(new incident { ID = "123", contact = "98765", IDcontact = "456", IDnumber = "7866", Name = "Nayeem", NameID = "3333", number = "987654321", Phone = "1234567890" });
        lst.Add(new incident { ID = "123", contact = "98765", IDcontact = "456", IDnumber = "7866", Name = "Nayeem", NameID = "3333", number = "987654321", Phone = "1234567890" });
        lst.Add(new incident { ID = "123", contact = "98765", IDcontact = "456", IDnumber = "7866", Name = "Nayeem", NameID = "3333", number = "987654321", Phone = "1234567890" });
        return Json(lst, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


Updated View File

   <div data-ng-app="IncidentApp">
      <!-- angular IncidentApp scope starts from here -->

      <div data-ng-controller="GetAlphabetical">
            <tr ng-repeat="h in Customer">
              <td>{{ h.Name }}</td>

    <div data-ng-controller="GetAlphabeticalSecond">
          <tr ng-repeat="h in Customer">
            <td>{{ h.Name }}</td>

   <!-- angular IncidentApp scope ends from here --> 

Angular stuff only works if they comes in application scope. In your case GetAlphabetical is in application scope but second controller were out of scope. i have updated the HTML view to fix your issue.


Your controller is out of the scope of the app.

The div that encloses the ng-controller should be inside the div that encloses the ng-app.

