I'm trying to use AdWords API from Google in a cakePHP application. I need to search for keywords at some point inside an already existing model that I made.
The idea is to get information about the keyword if I dont' already got it in my database. But when I need to use some classes of adWords, I'm getting this error :
Error: Class 'TargetingIdeaSelector' not found
File: C:\wamp64\www\projet\app\Model\Keyword.phpLine: 36
Here is an idea of the code I have :
public function getsuggestions($word, $someData) {
if(!empty($word) && $word != '') {
$data = $this->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('Keyword.mot_saisi' => $word)
if(!empty($data)) {
$motcles = split(",",$data['0']['Keyword']['result'],11);
$motcles['10'] = $word;
return $motcles;
else {
// Create selector.
$selector = new TargetingIdeaSelector(); //Here is the error
$selector->requestType = 'IDEAS';
$selector->ideaType = 'KEYWORD';
$selector->requestedAttributeTypes = array('KEYWORD_TEXT',
// Create language search parameter (optional).
// The ID can be found in the documentation:
// Note: As of v201302, only a single language parameter is
$languageParameter = new LanguageSearchParameter();
$french = new Language();
$french->id = 1002;
$languageParameter->languages = array($french);
// Create related to query search parameter.
$relatedToQuerySearchParameter = new
$selector->searchParameters[] =
$selector->searchParameters[] = $languageParameter;
// Set selector paging (required by this service).
$paging = new Paging();
// Make the get request.
$content = $targetingIdeaService->get($selector);
I guess adWords classes are not included in my model, but how can I include all the adWords content so that I can use multiple classes inside my model ?
(I have googleads-php-lib directly inside my project)
Here is the exact solution :
require_once __DIR__ . '../../Vendor/autoload.php';
use Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201710\o\TargetingIdeaSelector;
use Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201710\o\LanguageSearchParameter;
use Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201710\o\RelatedToQuerySearchParameter;
use Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201710\cm\Language;
use Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201710\cm\Paging;
(I have googleads-php-lib directly inside my project)
You need to tell the auto loader where to find it and use the use
statement inside your file.
- http://php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.importing.php
- https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#autoloading
- PHP namespaces and "use"
- Custom code management with the Composer auto loader?
- PHP adding custom namespace using autoloader from composer
- https://jtreminio.com/2012/10/composer-namespaces-in-5-minutes/