How to execute a Nautilus script written in Python inside a gnome-terminal window that stays open?

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-13 03:14:49


Lets say I want to execute a simple Python script from Nautilus, the default file manager of GNOME:


Of course the aim is to interact with selected files in Nautilus, but I want to keep it simple.

I save the script to the folder ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/ and then I can execute it from the right click context menu:

How can I execute this nautilus script inside gnome-terminal and keep the terminal opened at the end of the script?


I have found that I can achieve what I want to do using two script files.

1) to open gnome-terminal (and potentially leave it open)

The first script file ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/ will appear in Nautilus script context menu and will open gnome-terminal in order to execute

gnome-terminal -- python3 ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/

To force the terminal window to stay open after execution (to see output or for debugging purpose if it fails), tweak it as follow to make gnome-terminal execute bash at the end:

gnome-terminal -- bash -c "python3 ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/; bash"

2) to execute the actual script

Then, the second script file ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/ will be executed inside the gnome-terminal windows opened previously but will be hidden from nautilus script context menu.


