I want to send a message to an activeMQ and receive it via MQTT.js in the frontend.
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend("topic", "Hello World!");
I am getting the message, but with a header, that I can not decode.
S�A S�)�x-opt-jms-destQ�x-opt-jms-msg-typeQ Ss� f
�/ID:myID@�topic://myTopic@@@@� j��< St�e Sw� Hello World!
Now I am trying to remove the header from my message.
This thread mentions the targetClient property, but this doesn't seam to work with a topic: Spring JMS Template - remove RFH Header information
I also found the MessageBuilder, where I should be able to set an empty header, but this MessageBuilder doesn't work with the jmsTemplate. jmsTemplate only supports the MessageCreator, which doesn't support an empty header.
How can I send a JMS Message in plain text without any header?
Thanks for any suggestions.
Updating the Queue Broker to work with JMS2 fixed this issue.