I'm building a JSF2.0 application on TomEE1.7.3, and I've created a custom ExceptionHander, and overrided handle() method, which looks like below:
public void handle() {
for (Iterator<ExceptionQueuedEvent> it = getUnhandledExceptionQueuedEvents().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
ExceptionQueuedEventContext eventContext = it.next().getContext();
FacesContext facesContext = eventContext.getContext();
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
Throwable throwable = eventContext.getException();
if (throwable instanceof ViewExpiredException) {
facesContext.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(
FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "",
"oops, view state error! This FacesMessage is sent to error.xhtml, just as expected."));
} else {
facesContext.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(
FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "",
"oops, some OTHER error! This FacesMessage is NOT sent to error.xhtml, " +
"I want full stacktrace here, string length is irrelevant to the problem ..."));
When I catch a throwable of ViewExpiredException, I CAN get FacesMessages at @PostConstruct method of "ErrorBean"(which is attached to "error.xhtml"). But if any other type of throwable comes, I can NOT get any FacesMessages. "ErrorBean" is a backing bean class with these 2 annotations:
I'm assuming that its relevant to the "Life Cycle of JSF", OR maybe because I have 2 beans attached to 1 page, but I can't figure out why this is happening.
BTW, what I really want to do is output stacktrace on the same url (without http 3xx redirect), I tried something like below:
final ConfigurableNavigationHandler nav = (ConfigurableNavigationHandler)
but did not work out either (another bean for this page will show up and no faces messages), so at this moment, I decide to go with redirect.
Please help me out! Thanks.