Azure Functions Runtime v1 EventGrid Subscription create fails

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-13 02:02:35


What I'm doing wrong or how to make it work? I'm using Azure Runtime v1 (need to use .NET Framework, not core).

Function code in Visual Studio as follows:

// This is the default URL for triggering event grid function in the local environment.
// http://localhost:7071/admin/extensions/EventGridExtensionConfig?functionName={functionname} 

using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventGrid;
namespace FunctionApp1
    public static class Function1
        public static void Run([EventGridTrigger]Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid.Models.EventGridEvent eventGridEvent, TraceWriter log)

When I try to add subscription for that function, regardless if through portal or cli, I'm getting following error:

PS Azure:\> az eventgrid event-subscription create -g [<myGroupName>] --topic-name data-generated --name Func1Subs --endpoint "https://[<myFunctionAppName>][<code>]"
Argument 'resource_group_name' has been deprecated and will be removed in version '2.1.0'. Use '--source-resource-id' instead.
Argument 'topic_name' has been deprecated and will be removed in version '2.1.0'. Use '--source-resource-id' instead.
The attempt to validate the provided endpoint https://[<myFunctionAppName>] failed. For more details, visit

I tried both system code obtained from GET request on https://[<myFunctionAppName>][<master_key>], default key and even master key itself - same result.

When using the button on the portal to "Add Event Grid subscription" - I also get this error in Notification box.

When I create a function on portal - creating subscription works fine.
Also when I deploy a .netcore function to 2.x runtime - and use the portal button to create subscription - this works fine as well. But like I said - I want to use runtime 1.x to deploy a .NETFramework function.


I reproduced this one and some observations here

it works fine if I use default function signature

    namespace FunctionApp7
    public static class Function1
        public static void Run([EventGridTrigger]JObject eventGridEvent, TraceWriter log)

but when I use signature like you have mentioned, I get error in creating event subscription. I also need to add nuget package for following to compile Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid 3.0.0

    namespace FunctionApp10
    public static class Function1
        public static void Run([EventGridTrigger]Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid.Models.EventGridEvent eventGridEvent, TraceWriter log)

Take a look at following link

Following signature is not applicable for V1 functions

public static void Run([EventGridTrigger]Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid.Models.EventGridEvent eventGridEvent, TraceWriter log) 


You can validate your EventGridTrigger function for Azure Event Grid subscriber using a Postman, see the following:

Request Url:

POST https://{myFuncApp}{myEventGridTriggerFnc}&code={_masterKey}


aeg-event-type: SubscriptionValidation


   "id": "123",
   "subject": "abc",
   "eventType": "xxx",
   "eventTime": "2019-01-31T16:17:37.1080645Z",
   "data": {
      "validationCode": "xxxxxxxx",
      "validationUrl": "",
   "dataVersion": "0",
   "metadataVersion": "1",
   "topic": "xxxx"

The successful response will return:



  1. The Request Url can be copied from the portal yourFunction/Integrate, property Event Grid Subscription URL
  2. In the case of manually creating a Request Url, use the _master key from the portal yourFunction/Manage page.
  3. For testing a function body, use the header 'aeg-event-type: Notification'

