I inherited a project that is using ActiveAdmin with Formtastic in Rails. I have very little experience with either of these, but it seems simple enough to do simple tasks.
So, I have been tasked with adding a radio input, but hides the another input if the radio doesn't match a certain value. I've search everywhere and can't seem to find anything on this.
Here is my form:
form do |f|
f.inputs 'Book Details' do
f.input :name, required: true
f.input :has_subtitle, as: radio, required: true
f.input :subtitle
In this form, I need to only show :subtitle, if :has_subtitle is set to true/yes, otherwise they should not see the input (if it's visible it should also be required).
Is this possible to accomplish in Formtastic?
f.input :has_subtitle, as: radio, required: true, { data: { toggle: 'subtitle_input' }}
Then add javascript (this is coffeescript) to a separate file (eg form.js.coffee)
$(document).on 'ready page:load', ->
$('[data-toggle]').on "change", ->
$($(this).data('toggle')).toggle($(this).val() == 'show')
You may need to configure this some, depending on the value from the radio button
Then include it in application.js
# application.js
//= require form