In my requirement ,there are different domain names for single project.I would like to send reset password link with a domain name where the user requested for the reset password.For that I have done the follows in application_controller.rb and it works well.
before_filter :set_mailer_host
def set_mailer_host
ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:host] = request.host_with_port
$url_host = request.host_with_port
Later,I have used sidekiq for delayed mailer and updated like follows on entire application
As the mailer was configured with sidekiq it was using default domain name provided in configuration only and it was not using the dynamic domain name provided from request on application_controller.rb
Any suggestion to get the dynamic domain on mailers running by sidekiq would be greatly appreciated.
Rails - 3.2.8 Ruby - 1.9.3 sidekiq - 2.13.1
One of the options would be to associate each user with a domain and use this information when sending the email in sidekiq.
You'll need to construct the url yourself rather than rely on AM to do it for you.