My project is written using Silex and Symfony Components (i.e. Form component).
I try to create a battery of radio buttons built from a class and I want to preselect one of those radios.
I create form like that:
$form = $app['form.factory']->createBuilder(new QueryFormType(), $query)
where QueryFormType
is my custom type (it extends AbstractType) where I define form fields and $query
is an entity with default values for the form.
Form fields within QueryFormType
look like that (I omitted builder and other fields for clarity):
->add('contractPeriod', 'filter', array(
'label' => 'Contract Period:',
'choices' => array(
'-1' => 'No period',
'1' => '1 month',
'2' => '2 months',
'3' => '3 months',
'6' => '6 months',
'12' => '12 months',
'18' => '18 months'
'expanded' => TRUE,
'multiple' => FALSE
is an instance of a class that should preselect radio button. In it's constructor you will find:
$this->contractPeriod = '3';
It has correct getters and setters for this property too.
Now. The form and radio buttons are rendered properly. Radio button is preselected to '3' => '3 months'
. When I check radio higher in the definition list (so 2, 1 or -1) form accepts it as a value. But when I check value lower in the defined list (6, 12 or 18) it uses default value set in $query
. What the heck?
My question is how to set default value correctly so I can pick whatever other value I want after the form is rendered?
I already tried using 'data' property in the form field definition and it is the same story. I can select only lower values but no higher. I tired to use 'preferred_choices' but it does not work the way I would expect (messed up IDs of the inputs).
I beg you for help.
This is how I submit the form:
$form->submit($request->query->get($form->getName()), FALSE);
I found out that if I set clearMissing to TRUE (second argument) it works well but I cannot do partial prefilling (or patch the form). Seem to be a bug.
It has something to do with those lines inside Form class of symfony components:
if ($isSubmitted || $clearMissing) {
$child->submit($isSubmitted ? $submittedData[$name] : null, $clearMissing);
if (null !== $this->clickedButton) {
if ($child instanceof ClickableInterface && $child->isClicked()) {
$this->clickedButton = $child;
if (method_exists($child, 'getClickedButton') && null !== $child->getClickedButton()) {
$this->clickedButton = $child->getClickedButton();
$child->submit updates viewData of its parent (Form in this case) to submited value only if it's lower/equal to default value set in the form. Why?
I think that Form component wont submit children after default value that in that case isSubmited == false and clearMissing == false. That makes only values up to default value available. But I don't know.