I need to write an mdx query that limits its results by the value of a dimension but also by a date range. I know how to do one or the other but I can't figure out how to do both at once.
This works for the date range:
SELECT {[Measures].[Hours]} ON COLUMNS, [Time Type].[Type].Members ON ROWS
FROM [cube]
WHERE {[Date].[Date ISO].[2013-01-26]:[Date].[Date ISO].[2013-06-25]}
And this works for the member slicer:
SELECT {[Measures].[Hours]} ON COLUMNS, [Time Type].[Type].Members ON ROWS
FROM [cube]
WHERE [Time Type].[Allocation Type].[Direct]
How do I constrain the results by both of these WHERE clause values at the same time? I've tried putting them both in the same WHERE like so:
SELECT {[Measures].[Hours]} ON COLUMNS, [Time Type].[Type].Members ON ROWS
FROM [cube]
WHERE ([Time Type].[Allocation Type].[Direct],
{[Date].[Date ISO].[2013-01-26]:[Date].[Date ISO].[2013-06-25]})
but Mondrian replies with: No function matches signature (, ).
Note that Mondrian does not support subqueries or I would do it that way.
I think I might need to use a filter function on my rows for my member constraint but I need to filter on something that I don't want to display, which I am not sure how to do.
I think crossjoin is the answer like so:
SELECT {[Measures].[Hours]} ON COLUMNS, [Time Type].[Type].Members ON ROWS
FROM [cube]
WHERE CROSSJOIN([Time Type].[Allocation Type].[Direct],
{[Date].[Date ISO].[2013-01-26]:[Date].[Date ISO].[2013-06-25]})
CROSSJOIN creates all the combinations of the 'Direct" member and the dates in my range as tuples for my WHERE slicer. I think this is the right answer.