Is there a way to create a GUI which starts as a maximized windows?
I've tried to add set(gcf,'Units','normalized','Position',[0,0,1,1]);
at the end of my gui's mygui_OpeningFcn()
function but the GUI is not maximized properly (see printscreen).
Setting the GUI properties at GUIDE to Units-'normalized'
and Position-[0,0,1,1]
didn't help either.
I've also tried to use the Matlab File Exchange maximize function by adding maximize(handle.figure1);
at the end of my gui's mygui_OpeningFcn()
but it doesn't work either (same visual result - a GUI which is not entirely maximized).
Is there a way to make the Matlab GUI appear as a maximized figure when I launch it? Why am I getting this strange visual behavior of the GUI?
If you are on a Windows machine, I suggest you use the WindowAPI submission from FEX. It directly calls Windows API functions (using a MEX file), thus allowing far more advanced control of figures than just minimize and maximize:
hFig = figure('Menubar','none');