I've encountered a problem of using Control.Lens
together with
datatypes while using the -XTypeFamilies
GHC pragma.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
class SomeClass t where
data SomeData t :: * -> *
data MyData = MyData Int
instance SomeClass MyData where
data SomeData MyData a = SomeData {_a :: a, _b :: a}
makeLenses ''SomeData
The error message is: reifyDatatype: Use a value constructor to reify a data family instance
Is there any way to overcome it, maybe using some functional from Control.Lens
The most sensible thing would be to just define those lenses yourself... it's not like it's very difficult:
a, b :: Lens' (SomeData MyData a) a
a = lens _a (\s a' -> s{_a=a'})
b = lens _b (\s b' -> s{_b=b'})
or even
a, b :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> SomeData MyData a -> f (SomeData MyData a)
a f (SomeData a₀ b₀) = (`SomeData`b₀) <$> f a₀
b f (SomeData a₀ b₀) = SomeData a₀ <$> f b₀
...which doesn't use anything from the lens library at all, but is fully compatible to all lens combinators.
generates setters of type t a -> a -> t a
for associated datatypes.
There are some places this function can be improved, but it works!
tfMakeLenses :: Name -> DecsQ
tfMakeLenses t = do
fieldNames <- tfFieldNames t
let associatedFunNames = associateFunNames fieldNames
return (map createLens associatedFunNames)
where createLens :: (Name, Name) -> Dec
createLens (funName, fieldName) =
let dtVar = mkName "dt"
valVar = mkName "newValue"
body = NormalB (LamE [VarP valVar] (RecUpdE (VarE dtVar) [(fieldName, VarE valVar)]))
in FunD funName [(Clause [VarP dtVar] body [])]
associateFunNames :: [Name] -> [(Name, Name)]
associateFunNames [] = []
associateFunNames (fieldName:xs) = ((mkName . tail . nameBase) fieldName, (mkName . nameBase) fieldName)
: associateFunNames xs
tfFieldNames t = do
FamilyI _ ((DataInstD _ _ _ _ ((RecC _ fields):_) _):_) <- reify t
let fieldNames = flip map fields $ \(name, _, _) -> name
return fieldNames