I have a very big EF edmx model with over 450 classes/entities. This has grown organically over the last 5 years. With Visual Studio 2013 and the CodeLens feature I have noticed that some classes have 0 references listed. When I do some research I have found that this is true and I can remove that entity from the model.
The problem is that I would have to look at all 450 classes in the edmx to see if CodeLens says there are 0 references. Is there any report, export that I can get with CodeLens? Is there any way to extend it to provide this if there is no report?
Is CodeLenses requirement? I found several things that can help you:
- Code analysis
- NDepend
- Resharper
Here are some links: - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/habibh/archive/2009/07/31/discover-dead-code-in-your-application-using-code-analysis.aspx - Find unused classes in a .net project - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1413548/visual-studio-find-unused-code