I'm trying to implement a custom directive in Angular 2 for moving an arbitrary HTML element around. So far everything is working except that I don't now how to get the initial position of the HTML element when I click on it and want to start moving. I'm binding to the top
and left
styles of my HTML element with those two host bindings:
/** current Y position of the native element. */
@HostBinding('style.top.px') public positionTop: number;
/** current X position of the native element. */
@HostBinding('style.left.px') protected positionLeft: number;
The problem is that both of them are undefined
at the beginning. I can only update the values which will also update the HTML element but I cannot read it? Is that suppose to be that way? And if yes what alternative do I have to retrieve the current position of the HTML element.
<div (click)="move()">xxx</div>
// get the host element
constructor(elRef:ElementRef) {}
move(ref: ElementRef) {
See also https://stackoverflow.com/a/39149560/217408
In typeScript you can get the position as follows:
@ViewChild('ElementRefName') element: ElementRef;
const {x, y} = this.element.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
in html:
<div (click)="getPosition($event)">xxx</div>
in typescript:
let offsetLeft = 0;
let offsetTop = 0;
let el = event.srcElement;
offsetLeft += el.offsetLeft;
offsetTop += el.offsetTop;
el = el.parentElement;
return { offsetTop:offsetTop , offsetLeft:offsetLeft }