Making Loopback API Ember.js compatible

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-12 10:46:43


I'm trying out Loopback for an API that will talk to Ember.

Ember requires JSON to be contained in 'keys', e.g. for an account:

{ account:
   { domain: '',
     subdomain: 'test',
     title: '',
     id: 1 
} }

I've found some advice on the Google group about how to alter the response so that Ember will receive it, using afterRemote hooks.

E.g. in my models/account.js:

module.exports = function(Account) {

    Account.afterRemote('**', function (ctx, account, next) {
      if(ctx.result) {
        if(Array.isArray(ctx.result)) {
          ctx.res.body = { 'accounts': account };
        } else {
          ctx.res.body = { 'account': account };




I see that the response is as it should be in the console .. however the JSON output at localhost:3000/api/accounts does not show the altered JSON object.

What is the correct way to alter the JSON response / requests in Loopback?

Ideally in a general way so it can be applied to all Models.


You can make Ember-data compatible with Strongloop's loopback api by using the DS.RESTAdapter with DS.JSONSerializer like this:

// app/adapters/application.js

import DS from 'ember-data';

export default DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
  host: 'http://loopback-api-host',
  namespace: 'api',
  defaultSerializer: 'JSONSerializer'

"In Ember Data, the logic for communicating with a backend data store lives in the Adapter. Ember Data's Adapter has some built-in assumptions of how a REST API should look. If your backend conventions differ from these assumptions Ember Data makes it easy to change its functionality by swapping out or extending the default Adapter."

Similar question: Strongloop with Emberjs

