Using ngGrid v2.X, I'm trying to devolop a grid that loads more data when page scroll (not grid scroll) goes bottom.
By searching for similar questions i've found a solution to my 1st problem: ngGrid must have dynamic height, so i've did this
.ngViewport{ height:auto !important; } .ngCanvas, .ngViewport, .ngRow, .ngFooterPanel, .ngTopPanel { width: 100% !important; } .ngRow { border-bottom:none !important; }
Which takes me to my 2nd problem. I need data be loading by scroll, and i've found: ngGridEventScroll, but only triggers when ngGrid intern scroll is used, i need page scroll
$scope.$on('ngGridEventScroll', function () {
$scope.setPagingData($scope.dataArray, $scope.currentDataPosition, $scope.pagingOptions.pageSize);
So, solution 1, breaks the solution 2, because ngGridEventScroll doesnt have the intern scroll anymore.
$scope.setPagingData = function (data, page, pageSize) {
var pagedData = data.slice((page - 1) * pageSize, page * pageSize, page * pageSize);
$scope.totalServerItems = data.length;
$scope.myData = pagedData;
$scope.gridOptions = {
data: 'myData',
virtualizationThreshold: 50,
enableRowSelection: false,
enablePaging: false,
enableSorting: false,
showFooter: false,
pagingOptions: $scope.pagingOptions,
filterOptions: $scope.filterOptions,
What could be done ?
You could use ngInfiniteScroll (https://sroze.github.io/ngInfiniteScroll/index.html) and apply the following strategy.
In your controller
$scope.limit = 50; // Initial limit (make sure its enough to cover the whole page, otherwise the raiseLimit function might not be called)
$scope.raiseLimit = function() { // function called by ngInfiniteScroll
if ( $scope.limit < data.length) {
$scope.limit += 10; // adjust to your need
} else {
$scope.dataLoaded = true;
$scope.dataLoaded = false; // prevent useless call
$scope.myData = $filter('limitTo')(data, $scope.limit); // Do not forget to inject $filter into your controller
In your html
<div infinite-scroll='raiseLimit()' infinite-scroll-disabled='dataLoaded'>
<!-- put your grid with dynamic height here -->