What I would like to do (in Clojure):
For example, I have a vector of words that need to be removed:
(def forbidden-words [":)" "the" "." "," " " ...many more...])
... and a vector of strings:
(def strings ["the movie list" "this.is.a.string" "haha :)" ...many more...])
So, each forbidden word should be removed from each string, and the result, in this case, would be: ["movie list" "thisisastring" "haha"].
How to do this ?
(def forbidden-words [":)" "the" "." ","])
(def strings ["the movie list" "this.is.a.string" "haha :)"])
(let [pattern (->> forbidden-words (map #(java.util.regex.Pattern/quote %))
(interpose \|) (apply str))]
(map #(.replaceAll % pattern "") strings))
(use 'clojure.contrib.str-utils)
(import 'java.util.regex.Pattern)
(def forbidden-words [":)" "the" "." "," " "])
(def strings ["the movie list" "this.is.a.string" "haha :)"])
(def regexes (map #(Pattern/compile % Pattern/LITERAL) forbidden-words))
(for [s strings] (reduce #(re-gsub %2 "" %1) s regexes))
Using function composition and the ->
macro this can be nice and simple:
(for [s strings]
(-> s ((apply comp
(for [s forbidden-words] #(.replace %1 s ""))))))
If you want to be more 'idiomatic', you can use replace-str from clojure.contrib.string, instead of #(.replace %1 s "")
No need to use regexs here.