How to Unit Test HtmlHelper similar to “using(Html.BeginForm()){ }”

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-12 09:43:39


Can somebody please suggest how I could write a Unit Test with Moq for following HtmlHelper method?

public static HtmlTagBase GenerateTag<T>(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper
                                   , object elementData
                                   , object attributes) 
    where T : HtmlTagBase
    return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T)
                                       , htmlHelper.ViewContext
                                       , elementData
                                       , attributes);

which you would use as follows (please note the using statement - this is causing me confusion):

<%--Model is a type of ShareClass--%>
<% using (Html.GenerateTag<DivTag>(Model)) { %>
    My Div       
<% } %>

using this method, if you specify T as type DivTag, where ShareClass is defined as

public class ShareClass
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Type { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Fund> Funds { get; set; }

    public ShareClass(string name, string shareClassType)
        this.Name = name;
        this.Type = shareClassType;

the following html will be rendered:

<div class="ShareClass" shareclass-type="ShareClass_A" shareclass-name="MyShareClass">My Div</div>


I think this 3 links will help

  1. Prepare Html Helper
  2. Create test method (but use HtmlHelper from first link)
  3. Assert result with you expectations as normal.

Here is example of disposable helper. How it looks like inside.

