I'm trying to load a large file (2GB in size) filled with JSON strings, delimited by newlines. Ex:
"key11": value11,
"key12": value12,
"key21": value21,
"key22": value22,
The way I'm importing it now is:
content = open(file_path, "r").read()
j_content = json.loads("[" + content.replace("}\n{", "},\n{") + "]")
Which seems like a hack (adding commas between each JSON string and also a beginning and ending square bracket to make it a proper list).
Is there a better way to specify the JSON delimiter (newline \n
instead of comma ,
Also, Python
can't seem to properly allocate memory for an object built from 2GB of data, is there a way to construct each JSON
object as I'm reading the file line by line? Thanks!
Just read each line and construct a json object at this time:
with open(file_path) as f:
for line in f:
j_content = json.loads(line)
This way, you load proper complete json object (provided there is no \n
in a json value somewhere or in the middle of your json object) and you avoid memory issue as each object is created when needed.
There is also this answer.:
contents = open(file_path, "r").read()
data = [json.loads(str(item)) for item in contents.strip().split('\n')]
This will work for the specific file format that you gave. If your format changes, then you'll need to change the way the lines are parsed.
"key11": 11,
"key12": 12
"key21": 21,
"key22": 22
Just read line-by-line, and build the JSON blocks as you go:
with open(args.infile, 'r') as infile:
# Variable for building our JSON block
json_block = []
for line in infile:
# Add the line to our JSON block
# Check whether we closed our JSON block
if line.startswith('}'):
# Do something with the JSON dictionary
json_dict = json.loads(''.join(json_block))
# Start a new block
json_block = []
If you are interested in parsing one very large JSON file without saving everything to memory, you should look at using the object_hook or object_pairs_hook callback methods in the json.load API.
Just read it line by line and parse e through a stream while ur hacking trick (adding commas between each JSON string and also a beginning and ending square bracket to make it a proper list) isn't memory-friendly if the file is too more than 1GB as the whole content will land on the RAM.