Can I, in few commands, search and replace multiple lines in a file?
I'm trying to replace the 3 failover blocks from dhcp_primary
by the unique failover block from dhcp_secondary
, within dhcp_primary
My goal is to copy the dhcpd.conf from a primary dhcp to the secondary (more information here: http://www.madboa.com/geek/dhcp-failover/). The failover work only if the configuration are identical, except the failover block of course; as you can see is the website's example. So I want to copy this file, but keep the failover information from the secondary.
Example dhcp_primary
// some lines above
failover peer "A" {
failover peer "B" {
failover peer "C" {
// some lines below
Example dhcp_secondary
// some different lines above
failover peer "D" {
// some different lines below
The expected output have to be:
// some lines above
failover peer "D" {
// some lines below
I already can extract the failover blocks :
awk '/^failover/,/^}$/' dhcp_a
awk '/^failover/,/^}$/' dhcp_b
But I don't know how to continue.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: more details for my goal.
You can try:
awk -f a.awk dhcp_b dhcp_a
where a.awk
if (NR==FNR) {
blk=blk $0 RS
if (++i==1) {
printf "%s",blk
NR!=FNR{ print }
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -n '/^failover peer/,/^}/p' dhcp_b |
sed -e '/^failover peer/,/^}/!b;r /dev/stdin' -e 'd' dhcp_a
if the files are only of this structure and kind of content
head -1 dhcp_a > ${NewFile}
sed -n '1!{$!p;};}' dhcp_b >> ${NewFile}
tail -1 dhcp_a >> ${NewFile}
just take header and trailer of dhcp_a and block content of dhcp_b
if file is bigger (content around) use something like /failover/,/}/ as block delimiter in sed but it depend of the real content
$ cat tst.awk
/^failover/ { inRec = 1 }
if (NR == FNR) {
if (inRec) {
rec = rec $0 ORS
else {
if (inRec) {
printf "%s", rec
rec = ""
else {
/^}/ { inRec = 0 }
$ awk -f tst.awk secondary primary
// some lines above
failover peer "D" {
// some lines below