I am trying to search the Azure Search Index for documents that are not just within x km of the search reference point but also where the document + y km is within x km of the search reference. y is a field on the document so it will be different for each document in the index.
To find filter based on the distance between a reference point and a point given by a field in the document, you can use the geo.distance function in your $filter query. For instance if your geo point was in the field "location", you could filter to all results that are within 10km of that point with the following clause:
$filter=geo.distance(location, geography'POINT(-122.131577 47.678581)') le 10
Azure Search also supports geo filtering by specifying a bounding polygon using the geo.intersects function:
$filter=geo.intersects(location, geography'POLYGON((-122.031577 47.578581, -122.031577 47.678581, -122.131577 47.678581, -122.031577 47.578581))')
If you're looking for something like geo.distance(...) lt someOtherField
that is currently unsupported.
From your question it sounds like you have a field in the document, and a static point that you'd like to check against, filtering by all documents that are within a certain range. This should be achievable with geo.distance. If this doesn't cover your scenario, can you provide more details and perhaps a concrete example of the problem you're trying to solve?
You can find more information about odata filtering using geo.distance and geo.intersects in the Azure Search OData syntax documentation