I need to move conditionally formatted data from Excel 2013 into pre-existing tables in PowerPoint 2013. The font colors and formatting will carry from Excel to PowerPoint, but the cell fill needs to be manually added.
Is it possible to create a macro in PowerPoint that will search through each table's cell, find one of five specific font colors "(xxx,xxx,xxx)", then fill that cell with a specified color?
I have tables in Excel that have conditional formatting colors with the following rules:
"Dark Green "
Fill: (146, 208, 80) Font color: (79, 98, 40)"Light Green"
Fill: (195, 214, 155) Font color: (80, 98, 40)"Grey"
Fill: (242, 242, 242) Font color: (166, 166, 166)"Light Pink"
Fill: (230, 185, 184) Font color: (150, 55, 53)"Dark Pink"
Fill: (217, 150, 148) Font color: (149, 55, 53)
One way I can get the cell font and fill to stay is by creating a new chart, but that gets tedious when it needs to be done nearly a hundred times.
Ideally, I would like the macro to search through a presentation, if it finds a table cell value's font as (Dark green) (79, 98, 40), fill that cell to (149, 208, 80). Then continue searching for the next four colors as well.
Option Explicit
Sub Tester()
Dim s As Slide, p As Presentation, shp As Shape
Dim rw As Row, cl As Cell
For Each s In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In s.Shapes
If shp.HasTable Then
For Each rw In shp.Table.Rows
For Each cl In rw.Cells
ProcessCellColors cl
Next cl
Next rw
End If
Next shp
Next s
End Sub
Sub ProcessCellColors(c As Cell)
Dim tf As TextFrame, clr As Long
Set tf = c.Shape.TextFrame
clr = -1
If tf.HasText Then
'assumes all text has the same color...
Select Case tf.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB
Case vbBlack: clr = vbYellow 'my testing
Case RGB(79, 98, 40): clr = RGB(146, 208, 80)
Case RGB(80, 98, 40): clr = RGB(195, 214, 155)
'....etc etc
End Select
If clr <> -1 Then
c.Shape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = clr
End If
End If
End Sub