ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-12 05:36:11


I have searched and searched.. I have a bash script that is used to run a psql query and email the results on a daily basis. The DB does not update till midnight and my bash script passes a variable to the query for the day prior. I am getting this error only when I use the passed variable otherwise if I put the date in the query manually it runs fine. Not quite sure for I am still learning psql and bash.

Here is the bash script:

NOWDATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d -d "yesterday"`
SUBDATE=`date '+%B %e, %G'`

PGPASSWORD=passwrod psql -w -h host -p 5432 -d database -U user -o $DIR/$FILE <<EOF
select distinct als."Table_AccountID",
   (select  "Table_val_AccountStatusID" from  "Table_log_AccountStatus"  
    where "Table_AccountID" = als."Table_AccountID" order by  "Date" desc limit 1)
    as "Table_val_AccountStatusID",

   when (select count(*) from  "Table_UsageHistory"  cfuh  
         where cfuh."Disk">'123456' and date_trunc('day',cfuh."Created") = date_trunc('day','$NOWDATE'::timestamp)
         -- -'1day':: interval
         and extrTable('day' from "Created"::timestamp) = ac."DesiredBillingDate" 
         and date_trunc('day', "Created"::timestamp) = date_trunc('day', '$NOWDATE'::timestamp)
         and cfuh."Table_AccountID" in (
             select distinct "Table_AccountID" from "Table_Usage" 
             where date_trunc('day', "Timestamp"::timestamp) = date_trunc('day','$NOWDATE'::timestamp)
             and "Table_AccountID" = cfuh."Table_AccountID")
         and cfuh."Table_AccountID" = als."Table_AccountID") >0
   then 'Y'
   else 'N'
   end as "RollUp",

   (select distinct bc."ID" from "BIL_BillableCharge" bc, "Table_UsageHistory" cfh 
    where date_trunc('day',bc."Date"::timestamp) = date_trunc('day',cfh."Created"::timestamp)
    and bc."Table_AccountID" = cfh."Table_AccountID" and bc."BIL_val_InvoiceItemTypeID" = '23' 
    and extrTable('month' from "Created"::timestamp) = extrTable('month' from '$NOWDATE'::timestamp)
    and  extrTable('year' from "Created"::timestamp) = extrTable('year' from '$NOWDATE'::timestamp)
    and cfh."Table_AccountID" = als."Table_AccountID") as "BillableChargeID"

    from "Table_log_AccountStatus" als, "Table_Account" ac
    group by als."Table_AccountID",  ac."ID", ac."DesiredBillingDate"
    having (select distinct "Disk" from "Table_UsageHistory" cfu
    where  date_trunc('day', cfu."Created") = date_trunc('day','$NOWDATE'::timestamp)
    and ac."ID" = cfu."Table_AccountID")>'123456'
    and extrTable('day' from '$NOWDATE'::timestamp) = ac."DesiredBillingDate"
    and ac."ID" = als."Table_AccountID"
    ORDER BY "RollUp" ASC

sed -i '2d' $DIR/$FILE |
   mailx -a $DIR/$FILE -s " Report for $SUBDATE" -r $RECIPIENT

Here's the SQL, reformatted for readability.

select distinct 

  (select  "Table_val_AccountStatusID" 
   from  "Table_log_AccountStatus"  
   where "Table_AccountID" = als."Table_AccountID" 
   order by  "Date" desc limit 1) as "Table_val_AccountStatusID",

   CASE when 
        (select count(*) 
         from  "Table_UsageHistory"  cfuh  
         where  cfuh."Disk">'123456' 
           and date_trunc('day',cfuh."Created") = date_trunc('day','$NOWDATE'::timestamp) -- -'1day':: interval
           and extrTable('day' from "Created"::timestamp) = ac."DesiredBillingDate" 
           and date_trunc('day', "Created"::timestamp) = date_trunc('day', '$NOWDATE'::timestamp)
           and cfuh."Table_AccountID" in 
              (select distinct "Table_AccountID" 
               from "Table_Usage" 
               where date_trunc('day', "Timestamp"::timestamp) = date_trunc('day','$NOWDATE'::timestamp)
                 and "Table_AccountID" = cfuh."Table_AccountID")
                 and cfuh."Table_AccountID" = als."Table_AccountID") > 0
        then 'Y'
        else 'N'
   end as "RollUp",

  (select distinct bc."ID" 
   from "BIL_BillableCharge" bc, "Table_UsageHistory" cfh 
   where date_trunc('day',bc."Date"::timestamp) = date_trunc('day',cfh."Created"::timestamp)
     and bc."Table_AccountID" = cfh."Table_AccountID" and bc."BIL_val_InvoiceItemTypeID" = '23' 
     and extrTable('month' from "Created"::timestamp) = extrTable('month' from '$NOWDATE'::timestamp)
     and  extrTable('year' from "Created"::timestamp) = extrTable('year' from '$NOWDATE'::timestamp)
     and cfh."Table_AccountID" = als."Table_AccountID") as "BillableChargeID"

from "Table_log_AccountStatus" als, "Table_Account" ac
group by als."Table_AccountID",  ac."ID", ac."DesiredBillingDate"
having (select distinct "Disk" 
        from "Table_UsageHistory" cfu  
        where  date_trunc('day', cfu."Created") = date_trunc('day','$NOWDATE'::timestamp)
          and ac."ID" = cfu."Table_AccountID")>'123456'  
   and extrTable('day' from '$NOWDATE'::timestamp) = ac."DesiredBillingDate" 
   and ac."ID" = als."Table_AccountID"

When ran just like this from command line on the server it spits out the error: ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

I appreciate the help, this community is the best.. Sorry for the formatting, it came from the copy paste.


When a subquery in the SELECT part, e.g., (SELECT a, b, (SELECT c from d ...)) of a query is used then this must return one value. An error is returned because one the subqueries returns more than one row. Check all the subqueries to ensure that these do not return more than one row. Add a LIMIT 1 clause if it is acceptable that more than one value exists, but only one is taken.

