map world coordinate to a texture's value in fragment shader

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-12 05:28:22


I am trying to map a world coordinate to a texture's value in the fragment shader using threeJS.

The generated 'color' is only black but webgl doesn't return any error.

Here is what I get:

  • in the 3D, what I get in webgl (black slice instead of an image)
  • in the 2D canvas, what I should in webgl.

My shaders:

<script id="vertShader" type="shader">

varying vec4 vPos;

void main() {
    vPos = modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0 );
    gl_Position = projectionMatrix *
                  modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0 );

<script id="fragShader" type="shader">

uniform mat4 rastoijk;
uniform sampler2D ijk;
uniform vec3 dimensionsIJK;

varying vec4 vPos;

void main(void) {
    // get IJK coordinates of current element
    vec4 ijkPos = rastoijk * vPos;
    //convert IJK coordinates to texture coordinates
    float sliceIndex = float(ijkPos[2])*(float(dimensionsIJK[0])*float(4))*float(dimensionsIJK[1]);
    float rowIndex = ijkPos[1]*(dimensionsIJK[0]*float(4));
    float colIndex = ijkPos[0]*float(4);
    vec2 textureCoordinates = vec2(colIndex, sliceIndex + rowIndex);
    vec3 color = texture2D( ijk, textureCoordinates ).rgb;

    gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);

and the relevant part of the threeJS part:

  var mat = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
        uniforms: {
            ijk: {type: 't', value: ijkRGBATex},
            dimensionsIJK: {type: 'v3', value: new THREE.Vector3( dimensions[0], dimensions[1], dimensions[2] )},
            rastoijk: {type: 'm4', value: new THREE.Matrix4().set(rasijk[0], rasijk[4], rasijk[8], rasijk[12],
                                         rasijk[1], rasijk[5], rasijk[9], rasijk[13],
                                         rasijk[2], rasijk[6], rasijk[10], rasijk[14],
                                         rasijk[3], rasijk[7], rasijk[11], rasijk[15])}
        vertexShader: document.
        fragmentShader: document.

and my IJK texture is generated as below:

ijkRGBATex = new THREE.DataTexture( _imageRGBA, _dims[0].length * 4, _dims[1]*_dims[2], THREE.RGBAFormat );


var _dims = [numberCols, numberRows, numberSlices];
var _imageRGBA = new Float32Array(_dims[2] *_dims[1] * _dims[0] * 4);
  for(var i=0; i<_data.length; i++){
    _imageRGBA[4*i] = _imageRGBA[4*i + 1] = _imageRGBA[4*i + 2] = ((_data[i] - _min) / (_max - _min));
    _imageRGBA[4*i + 3] = 1;

Does what I try to do make sense at all? I don't expect to have it correct there but I do not see any white pixels in my texture, which is the most problematic.



issue is that the texture we are trying to display is not valid. New thread create about this specific issue: generate texture from array in threejs

