I have Rails app with some Resque workers. It seems that I have a limit of 2 workers running simultaneously (app runs on EC2 with Apache in production). Is there any way I can raise that limit?
I have maxclients 0 in redis.conf
I can start 10 workers through rake, but when they are actually getting queued, I get "ERR max number of clients reached" in browser..
EDIT: updated mistake (it was correct in original file)
EDIT: actually had config/initializers/Resque.rb pointing to redis-to-go (was rudiment from the early days of app), once I removed that, pointing to config/resque.yml (with localhost) everything went to normal and I can start as many workers as I please.
maybe your question is more of a sysadmin one, but if not a system resource issue, then this may help. from http://railscasts.com/episodes/271-resque?view=asciicast
Using the resque gem, just use this rake task
require "resque/tasks"
task "resque:setup" => :environment
and start up as many resque workers as you need.
$ rake resque:work QUEUE='*'
best use some service monitoring framework, svc, monit, god. and use resque web.