I'm using loopback-component-storage with the filesystem provider to upload photos. It works great. But now I have a request to 'export/download' photos to a zip archive.
I've put together some code to add another method, downloadContainer()
to Container
from the file-storage example. It uses the Archiver
module, everything seems to work fine, but the browser crashes after I call zip.finalize()
I'm expecting to get a save file
dialog box instead...
Here is my code so far:
Container.downloadContainer = function(container, files, res, cb) {
var DELIM, _appendFile, _finalize, _oneComplete, _remaining, filenames, storageService, zip;
zip = Archiver('zip');
storageService = this;
_remaining = {};
_appendFile = function(zip, container, filename) {
var reader;
console.log('appendFile=' + filename);
reader = storageService.downloadStream(container, filename, function(stream) {
return console.log('storageService.downloadStream() resp=', _.keys(stream));
zip.append(reader, {
name: filename
zip.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('zip entry error', err);
error: err.message
zip.on('entry', function(o) {
return _oneComplete(o.name);
_oneComplete = function(filename) {
delete _remaining[filename];
console.log('_oneComplete(): ', {
remaining: _.keys(_remaining),
size: zip.pointer()
if (_.isEmpty(_remaining)) {
_finalize = function() {
console.log('calling zip.finalize() ...');
res.on('close', function() {
console.log('response closed');
res.attachment(container + '.zip');
return res.status(200).send('OK').end();
if (files === 'all' || _.isEmpty(files)) {
console.log('files=', files);
storageService.getFiles(container, function(err, ssFiles) {
_remaining = _.object(_.pluck(ssFiles, 'name'));
console.log('filenames=', _.keys(_remaining));
return ssFiles.forEach(function(file) {
_appendFile(zip, container, file.name);
and here is what I see in the console
// log
files= all
filenames= [ 'IMG_0799.PNG', 'IMG_0800.PNG', 'IMG_0801.PNG', 'IMG_0804.PNG' ]
_oneComplete(): { remaining: [ 'IMG_0800.PNG', 'IMG_0801.PNG', 'IMG_0804.PNG' ],
size: 336110 }
_oneComplete(): { remaining: [ 'IMG_0801.PNG', 'IMG_0804.PNG' ], size: 460875 }
_oneComplete(): { remaining: [ 'IMG_0804.PNG' ], size: 1506464 }
_oneComplete(): { remaining: [], size: 1577608 }
calling zip.finalize() ...
// then browser crash
This code expands on the suggestion from Bryan above and works with provider=filesystem
Archiver = require('archiver')
module.exports = function(Container) {
Container.downloadContainer = function(container, files, res, cb) {
var DELIM, _appendFile, _finalize, _oneComplete, _remaining, filenames, storageService, zip, zipFilename;
zip = Archiver('zip');
zipFilename = container + '.zip';
storageService = this;
_remaining = {};
_appendFile = function(zip, container, filename) {
var reader;
reader = storageService.downloadStream(container, filename);
zip.append(reader, {
name: filename
console.log("appending", {
name: filename
res.on('close', function() {
console.log('Archive wrote %d bytes', zip.pointer());
return res.status(200).send('OK').end();
zip.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('zip entry error', err);
error: err.message
zip.on('entry', function(o) {
return _oneComplete(o.name);
_oneComplete = function(filename) {
delete _remaining[filename];
console.log('_oneComplete(): ', {
remaining: _.keys(_remaining),
size: zip.pointer()
if (_.isEmpty(_remaining)) {
_finalize = function() {
console.log('calling zip.finalize() ...');
if (files === 'all' || _.isEmpty(files)) {
console.log('downloadContainer, files=', files);
storageService.getFiles(container, function(err, ssFiles) {
_remaining = _.object(_.pluck(ssFiles, 'name'));
return ssFiles.forEach(function(file) {
_appendFile(zip, container, file.name);
} else {
DELIM = ',';
filenames = files.split(DELIM);
_remaining = _.object(filenames);
console.log('filenames=', _.keys(_remaining));
_.each(filenames, function(filename) {
_appendFile(zip, container, filename);
Container.remoteMethod('downloadContainer', {
shared: true,
accepts: [
arg: 'container',
type: 'string',
'http': {
source: 'path'
}, {
arg: 'files',
type: 'string',
required: false,
'http': {
source: 'path'
}, {
arg: 'res',
type: 'object',
'http': {
source: 'res'
returns: [],
http: {
verb: 'get',
path: '/:container/downloadContainer/:files'
I haven't done this before but I think you're on the right path from your comment.
Something like this should work:
var AWS = app.dataSources.amazon;
var container = 'c1';
app.get('/export/download', function (req, res) {
var zip = Archiver('zip');
// create the Archiver and pipe it to our client response.
// ask AWS for all the files in the container
AWS.getFiles(container, function (err, files) {
files.forEach(function (file) {
// append each file stream to the zip archive
container: container,
remote: file
}), { name : file });
// I think finalize should end the stream and notify the client
Let me know how it goes!