CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `p_phone_comments`() BEGIN #################################自动计算手机样本内容属于哪一类型的评价因子的过程############################################# #@author Ivan #@create 2014年12月17日 下午12:20:44 #@update xxxx年xx月xx日 xxxxxxx by xxx #################################自动计算手机样本内容属于哪一类型的评价因子的过程############################################# DECLARE p_typ_id int default 0 ; DECLARE p_keyword varchar(5000) default '' ; DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE p_contents varchar(5000) default '' ; DECLARE p_id char(36) default '' ; DECLARE p_count int default 0; DECLARE p_i int; DECLARE p_split_key varchar(30) default ''; DECLARE p_iscontain int default 0; DECLARE cur_keys cursor for select t.typ_id,group_concat(t.keyword) from keyword_dic t group by t.typ_id; DECLARE cur_sample cursor for select, tt.contents from t_comments_sample2 tt; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; #清空上次运行的结果,默认将评价因子置为0 UPDATE t_comments_sample2 SET price = 0, experience = 0, function = 0, brandrelate = 0, surface = 0, advert = 0, servicefeedback = 0, quality = 0; open cur_keys; keys_loop: LOOP #第一层循环start:评价因子 set done=0; FETCH cur_keys INTO p_typ_id, p_keyword; IF done=1 THEN LEAVE keys_loop; else open cur_sample; sample_loop: LOOP #第二层循环start:样本 FETCH cur_sample INTO p_id, p_contents; IF done=1 THEN LEAVE sample_loop; else set p_iscontain = 0; set p_count = (CHAR_LENGTH(p_keyword) - CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(p_keyword, ',', ''))) + 1; split_key_while: while p_count > 0 #第三层循环start:判断样本内容是否包含评价因子的关键字 do set p_split_key = SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(p_keyword, ',', -(p_count)),',',1); IF (LOCATE(p_split_key,p_contents) > 0) THEN #跳出循环 set p_iscontain = 1; LEAVE split_key_while; end if; set p_count = p_count - 1; end while split_key_while;#第三层循环end if p_iscontain = 1 then #更新id对应的记录 if p_typ_id = 5 then update t_comments_sample2 set price = 1 where id = p_id and price = 0; elseif p_typ_id = 6 then update t_comments_sample2 set experience = 1 where id = p_id and experience = 0; elseif p_typ_id = 4 then update t_comments_sample2 set function = 1 where id = p_id and function = 0; elseif p_typ_id = 1 then update t_comments_sample2 set brandrelate = 1 where id = p_id and brandrelate = 0; elseif p_typ_id = 2 then update t_comments_sample2 set surface = 1 where id = p_id and surface = 0; elseif p_typ_id = 8 then update t_comments_sample2 set advert = 1 where id = p_id and advert = 0; elseif p_typ_id = 7 then update t_comments_sample2 set servicefeedback = 1 where id = p_id and servicefeedback = 0; elseif p_typ_id = 3 then update t_comments_sample2 set quality = 1 where id = p_id and quality = 0; end if; end if; end if; end LOOP sample_loop;#第二层循环end close cur_sample; end if; END LOOP keys_loop; #第一层循环end close cur_keys; END