jqplot - Want to restrict y axis ticks

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-12 04:32:24


In below code y axis values are not readable, I guess its overlapping. How to set suitable y axis tick range:

            var line1 = [82,82];
            var line2 = [22,22];
            var line3 = [0,0];

 var ticks = [1,2];$.jqplot('line', [line1, line2, line3], {
    animate: true,
    axesDefaults:{min:0,tickInterval: 1},        
    seriesDefaults: {
        rendererOptions: {
            smooth: true
    series: [{lineWidth: 1.5, label: 'Passed'},
        {lineWidth: 1.5, label: 'Failed'},
        {lineWidth: 1.5, label: 'Skipped'}],
    axes: {
        xaxis: {
            label: "Run Number",
            ticks: ticks,
            tickOptions: {

                formatString: "%'d Run"

            pad: 1.2,
            rendererOptions: {
                tickInset: 0.3,
                minorTicks: 1
        yaxis: {

            label: "TC Number me"

            ,tickOptions: {
                formatString: "%'d Tc"
    highlighter: {
        show: true,
        sizeAdjust: 10,
        tooltipLocation: 'n',
        tooltipAxes: 'y',
        tooltipFormatString: '%d :&nbsp;<b><i><span style="color:black;">Test Cases</span></i></b>',
        useAxesFormatters: false
    cursor: {
        show: true
    grid: {background: '#ffffff', drawGridLines: true, gridLineColor: '#cccccc', borderColor: '#cccccc',
        borderWidth: 0.5, shadow: false},
    legend: {show: true, placement: 'outside', location: 'e'},
    seriesColors: ["#7BB661", "#E03C31", "#21ABCD"]


You have either to remove the tickInterval option in axesDefaults to let jqplot computes his own ticks or add the numberTicks option in axesDefaults in order to tell jqplot to draw x ticks where x is the number given to the numberTicks option.

  • If you use axesDefaults:{min:0, tickInterval:1}, jqplot will draw ticks from 0 to your maximal value with an interval of 1 unit (80+ ticks from 0 to 82).
  • If you use axesDefaults:{min:0}, jqplot will draw 5 ticks (by default) from 0 to your maximal value computing a same gap between two ticks.
  • If you use axesDefaults:{min:0, tickInterval:1, numberTicks:15}, jqplot will draw 15 ticks starting at 0 and with an interval of 1 unit (15 ticks from 0 to 14).
  • If you use axesDefaults:{min:0, numberTicks:15}, jqplot will draw 15 ticks from 0 to your maximal value computing a same gap between two ticks.

Choose the option which best fits.

