Azure CLI 2: how to provide parameters in az group depeloyment create command?

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-12 04:31:59


I am using Azure CLI 2.0 on a windows machine and i am trying to create a Docker VM using this Microsoft documentation:

az group deployment create --resource-group myResourceGroup \
  --parameters '{"newStorageAccountName": {"value": "mystorageaccount"},
    "adminUsername": {"value": "azureuser"},
    "adminPassword": {"value": "P@ssw0rd!"},
    "dnsNameForPublicIP": {"value": "mypublicdns"}}' \

Putting everything on one line results in an "unrecognized arguments" error. Replacing the parameter single quotes by double quotes results in an "Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes" error and removing the parameters option gives an expected "Deployment template validation failed" error. What is the correct way to provide the parameter value?


Please try this script:

az group deployment create --resource-group jason --parameters "{\"newStorageAccountName\": {\"value\": \"jasondisks321\"},\"adminUsername\": {\"value\": \"jason\"},\"adminPassword\": {\"value\": \"122130869@qq\"},\"dnsNameForPublicIP\": {\"value\": \"jasontest321\"}}" --template-uri

It works for me.

In cli 2.0, we can use --help to find the command help:

C:\windows\system32>az group deployment create --help

    Create a deployment from a remote template file.
        az group deployment create -g MyResourceGroup --template-uri
        https://myresource/azuredeploy.json --parameters @myparameters.json

    Create a deployment from a local template file and use parameter values in a string.
        az group deployment create -g MyResourceGroup --template-file azuredeploy.json --parameters
        "{\"location\": {\"value\": \"westus\"}}"


You can add you parameters in the following format:

--parameters '{ "adminUsername": {"value":"username"}}'


This is what i have tried with single quote('') instead of double quote ("") and it worked for me.

az group deployment create --name TempGroup --resource-group insightsrg --parameters '{\"actionGroupName\": {\"value\": \"jsonActionGroup\"},\"actionGroupShortName\": {\"value\": \"JAG\"}}' --template-file "C:\HM\ARM\policy\actiongroup\actiongroup.json"

Kindly find an attached screenshot for reference.

