mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: Failed processing format-parameters;Python 'list' cannot be converted to a MySQL type

你。 提交于 2019-12-12 04:22:15


I am trying to store some data in MYSQL database using python script, but i got the following error.

mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: Failed processing format-parameters; 
Python 'list' cannot be converted to a MySQL type

Actually I am extracting variables from netCDF file and trying to store them in MYSQL db. my code is

import sys
import collections
import os
import netCDF4
import calendar
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import errorcode

table = 'rob-tabl'
con = mysql.connector.connect(user='rob', password='xxxx',
cursor = con.cursor()

smeData = """
        CREATE TABLE rob-tabl (
        `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
        `time.val` double,
        `time.microsec` double,
        `temp.degrees` double,
        `humid.calc` double,
        `pressure.calc` double;"""

these are my fields/ columns names in mMYSQL database. I am trying to insert netCDF4 data into MYSQL

smeData = "INSERT INTO `" + table + "` "
data_array = []
for item in totfiles.items(): # loop on different netCDF files in a
                               directory , but at the moment I had only one file
    nc = Dataset('filename', 'r')
    data1 = nc.variables['time'][:]
    data2 = nc.variables['microsec'][:]
    data3 = nc.variables['temperature'][:]
    data4 = nc.variables['humidity'][:]
    data5 = nc.variables['pressure'][:] 
    data = ([(data1).tolist(), (data2).tolist(), data3.tolist(), data4.tolist(), data5.tolist()])
    print type(data)
    for v in data_array:
        cursor.executemany(smeData, (v,))

when I print netCDF variables data, e.g time variable, it looks like this

nc.variables['time'][:] # netCDF variable

so the data1 looks like this

[1302614127 1302614137 1302614147 ............., 1302614627 1302614647 1302614657]

and microseconds which is data2 looks like

 [0 0 0..................., 0 0 0]

and the data_array looks like this because it consists of five different lists.

data_array=  ([1302614127 1302614137 1302614147 ..., 1302614627 1302614647
 1302614657], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [21, 22,34,34....,67,55], [12.2, 12.54, 12.55....,45.54,45.48], [0,0,0...,0,0,00])

and if i try to do cursor.executemany(smeData, (v,)) command , it gives me this error

Python 'list' cannot be converted to a MySQL type

my MYSQL insert syntax is

"INSERT INTO `rob-tabl` (`time.val`,`time.microsec`,`temp.degrees`,
`humid.calc`,`pressure.calc`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"

I created 5 columns in MYSQL and I had to store data from netCDF into db.
if someone help me or give some hint how can I deal with such a error. It would be great. thanks


Although I never used it from what I saw:

smeData = "INSERT INTO `rob-tabl` (`time.val`,`time.microsec`,`temp.degrees`, `humid.calc`,`pressure.calc`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
cursor.executemany(smeData, data_array)

whithout the for loop.

