I have the following animation defined in my Angular app for toggling the hight/opacity of an element.
It works as expected, however I'm now using it to toggle a 'main menu' and the 'sub-menus' within.
When the main menu is opened it increases from 0 to X height, then if I open a sub menu the main menu remains at X height, whereas I'd like it to expand to the height of the main menu + height of the newly opened sub-menu.
app.animation('.slide_toggle', ['$animateCss',
function ($animateCss) {
return {
addClass: function (element, className, done) {
if (className == 'ng-hide') {
var animator = $animateCss(element, {
to: { height: '0px', opacity: 0 }
if (animator) {
return animator.start().done(function () {
element[0].style.height = '';
removeClass: function (element, className, done) {
if (className == 'ng-hide') {
var height = element[0].offsetHeight;
var animator = $animateCss(element, {
from: { height: '0px', opacity: 0 },
to: { height: height + 'px', opacity: 1 }
if (animator) {
return animator.start().done(done);
I'm open to using a different animation method to the one above as long as the animation opens and closes smoothly.
There were problems with all the 'Angular only' slide toggle methods I could find (mainly due to child element heights not being dealt with properly). In the end I included jQuery in the project and used the comprehensive slideUp and slideDown functionality from there like so:
myApp.animation('.slide', function () {
return {
beforeAddClass: function (element, className, done) {
if (className === 'ng-hide') {
element.slideUp({ duration: 350 }, done);
removeClass: function (element, className, done) {
if (className === 'ng-hide') {
element.hide().slideDown({ duration: 350 }, done);