Im having some troubles unlinking files from a directory. I'll try to explain it as good as i can.
Im trying to delete a file from a directory, first i get the file name from my database, where is stored in field "avatar".
these are my involved vars:
$avatar1=mysqli_query($con,"Select avatar from users where user='$_SESSION[Username]'");
$avatardirectory = $avatar2['avatar']; //(missunderstanding name, its actually a file).
So far, when i print $avatardirectory
when my user is hodor, it shows "hodor.png"
Ok, here comes the nasty part, i try to go with this:
unlink('/var/www/html/test/img-gallery/$avatardirectory'); //This wont work.
Then I just do the same exact thing but with filename:
unlink('/var/www/html/prueba/img-gallery/hodor.png'); //This actually works.
And now I'm totally lost.
Variables arn't expanded inside single quote strings.
You might want to see the difference in
echo '/var/www/html/test/img-gallery/$avatardirectory'
echo "/var/www/html/test/img-gallery/$avatardirectory"
Note that unlink() removes files, not directories. use rmdir() to remove (an empty) directory. (though it sounds like your $avatardirectory holds the name of a file, not a directory(?) )