how to stop running programs on windows 7 with batch commands

你。 提交于 2019-12-12 03:56:00


Can any body tell me how to stop (few) selected running program/software using batch file (.bat) in windows 7 64bit?

My requirement is simple : I've set utorrent and few download manager program to run on windows startup. usually I need it in that way... but sometimes I need to stop all those download managers along with utorrent in order to gain internet browsing speed. Now I have to close all those programs manually one by one...!!! I want to make it easy.... if I can use some commands to stop those programmes in just 1 step, using a batch file, that would be great....!!!


FIrst, get the process id with TASKLIST

tasklist /fi "imagename eq java.exe"

output :

Image Name          PID    Session Name  Session# Mem Usage Status
=================== ====== ============= ======== ============
Java.exe            1060   RDP-Tcp#8     0        81 408 Ko

the use TASKKILL <pid>

taskkill /pid 1060

or directly

taskkill /F /FI "IMAGENAME eq java.exe"

ref : Kill process from command line


Look at the Windows 7 cmd utililty called Taskkill. You may pass it the name of the .exe that you want to terminate.


You can create the list of tasks that have to be closed using a batch file as shown below. E.g.:

taskkill /im notepad++.exe
taskkill /im eclipse.exe
taskkill /im outlook.exe
taskkill /im chrome.exe
taskkill /im word.exe
taskkill /im winscp.exe
taskkill /im iexplore.exe
taskkill /im OUTLOOK.exe
taskkill /im WINWORD.exe

